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El SUV RWD económico Model Y de Tesla regresa

Table of Contents
    • Tesla's popular Model Y SUV will soon be offered in a cheaper rear-wheel-drive variant.
    • The so-called Standard Range model was available earlier in the Model Y's lifecycle but had been discontinued in favor of longer-range all-wheel-drive models.
    • Model Y Standard Range models are available to order now on the company's website starting at $45,630 with a driving range as high as 260 miles—$7500 less than an all-wheel drive Long Range with 330 miles of advertised range.

    Tesla is bringing back its low-cost Model Y Standard Range rear-wheel-drive model, which is now available to order on the automaker's website. According to a report from Automotive News, the move is a response to lower-than-projected third-quarter vehicle deliveries, and that logic tracks.

    Tesla has tweaked the pricing strategy for its lineup consistently throughout the year to compete with a rising tide of fresh EV rivals as well as inflation. Earlier this year, the company also relaunched Standard Range variants of the more expensive Model S sedan and Model X SUV, dropping the price of entry for those luxury vehicles by around $10,000 each. But those models didn't last long and were pulled from the order site a few weeks later, replaced with cheaper variants of all-wheel-drive Long Range models.

    Desperate scrambling? Perhaps. Or maybe it's merely the trial-and-error method in action: Throwing options onto an online configurator to see what customers pick. Either way, more affordable EVs aren't a bad thing.

    The Standard Range Model Y is available to order now on the Tesla website, with a delivery date range starting as early as this month. Prices start at $45,630 for versions without any options, and the driving range for this model is advertised as high as 260 miles. If you opt for the prettier 20-inch Induction wheels—a $2000 option—the range estimate drops to 242 miles per charge.

    Given that the Model 3 compact car that underpins the Model Y is getting a facelift for 2024, we suspect the SUV will get a similar treatment, but that may not happen until the 2025 model year.

    Headshot of Drew Dorian

    Managing Editor, Buyer's Guide

    Drew Dorian is a lifelong car enthusiast who has also held a wide variety of consumer-focused positions throughout his career, ranging from financial counselor to auto salesperson. He has dreamed of becoming a Car and Driver editor since he was 11 years old—a dream that was realized when he joined the staff in April 2016. He’s a born-and-raised Michigander and learned to drive on a 1988 Pontiac Grand Am. His automotive interests run the gamut from convertibles and camper vans to sports cars and luxury SUVs.      


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    Name: Eric Santiago

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    Introduction: My name is Eric Santiago, I am a resolved, audacious, unwavering, forthright, accessible, rare, expert person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.